Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of. SQL Server articles, scripts, and discussion groups. Dec 24, 2014Describes how to uninstall an instance of SQL Server 2005 manually if Add or Remove Programs cannot uninstall the instance. This article explains how to configure SQL Server 2005 so your ASP.NET 2.0 sites can access it.. Download the December 2008 Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005, a collection of standalone install packages that provide additional value for SQL Server 2005. . Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, SSAS and sometimes MSAS, 1 is an online analytical processing and data mining tool in Microsoft SQL Server. Mar 28, 2003In the section entitled Microsoft SQL Server Defined I explained that SQL Server is an engine that stores and processes data to present to your users. If you work with Microsoft SQL Server and are a visual type, then you might be interested in these free Microsoft Visio stencils for SQL Server 2005. Apr 08, 2009This forum is the place to discuss all things samplish in the SQL Server community and samples space, whether it's an official Microsoft sample or. SQL Server is the foundation of Microsofts data platform delivering mission critical performance with in-memory technologies and faster insights on any data.